Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Smoked Sausage & Potatoes Au Gratin

Do you know anyone who doesn't love cheesy potatoes?  If you do, I'm sorry to inform you, they are nuts! Au Gratin potatoes are up on my list of favorite side dishes.  I don't make them that often because I'm usually looking for something that takes 10 minutes or less so I can spend the majority of my time on the main dish.

The other night I needed to throw together a dinner that wasn't going to take up too much counter space and that I didn't have to fuss with.  Why, you ask?  Since Josh's (my son) birthday was Friday I needed to get a cake baked and decorated Thursday night.  So, what's the big deal you want to know.  I also had to decorate a second cake for his "friend" party and bake and decorate 24 Star Wars cupcakes and get them individually packaged for his party favors.  A lot to do in one night. So now do you understand why I wanted to throw something in the oven and forget about it?

So on to the thought process for this dish.  Smoked sausage is usually in my fridge.  It's inexpensive, it doesn't spoil quickly and it's very versatile so it's perfect to keep around for those "oh my gosh, what the heck am I going to do for dinner" nights.  I did take the time to brown the smoked sausage firs,t but I don't think it's actually necessary to do that.


  • 4 T butter (+ small amount for for preparing baking dish)
  • 1 package smoked sausage, sliced 
  • 1 onion, cut into slices
  • 4 russet potatoes, sliced thin (about 1/4 inch)
  • 3 T flour
  • 2 C milk
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1 1/2 C shredded cheddar cheese

  1.  Preheat oven to 400.
  2. Heat 1 T butter over medium heat in a skillet.  Add slices of smoked sausage.  Cook until browned, stirring occasionally.  Set aside.
  3. Butter or olive oil a 2Q baking dish.  Place half the potato slices.  Top with onion slices and top the onion slices with browned smoked sausage.
  4. Melt remaining 3 T butter in a saucepan.  Sprinkle in the flour and whisk for 1 minute.  Slowly whisk in the milk and then season with salt and pepper. Cook until mixture has thickened.  Remove from heat and stir in all the cheese.
  5. Pour half the cheese sauce over the potatoes, onion and sausage.  Place the remaining potatoes on top and finally pour the remaining cheese sauce over it all.
  6. Bake at 400 for 45-60 minutes until potatoes are tender and top is nicely browned.

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