Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Wednesday Roundup & A Birthday Goody Bag Idea


This past Friday my baby boy turned 5.  Like most moms, each time one of the kids has a birthday, I can't believe how old they are getting.  His birthday marks the end of our birthday season.  All five of us in two months makes for a ridiculously crazy season.  Oh and then throw in Thanksgiving and Christmas too.

We were having a small cake here at the house for just us family but he was also having a party at one of those jumpy house places nearby too.  We have had parties at similar venues. I love it because all we have to provide is the cake and goody bags.

Josh really wanted to have a Star Wars themed party, but it's hard to have a theme party at these venues since they provide everything, so I decorated the cake with some big Star Wars Angry Bird foam heads my husband found at Target (on clearance!).  The only other thing I had to provide was the dreaded goody bag.
#starwars cupcakes perfect for goody bag alternative 

 If you have a child that is around preschool age, you must know what I'm talking about.  It's generally full of all kinds of junk treats that little kids love and parents HATE. Such items could include plastic kazoos, whistles, bubbles, super balls, and/or bubble gum.  I admit, I am guilty of providing these in the past.  I vowed last year (after 10 leftover kazoos made it back to my house) to put an end to these traditional goody bags. This year I made an individually packed cupcake for each child to take home.  I wish I had taken the time to photograph this better.  I hadn't actually intended on sharing these with you since it's not exactly a recipe, but decided that they came out too cute not to share (even if you can't tell from the photo)!
#starwars cupcakes for goody bag alternative

And now the party you've been waiting for all week...

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The Wednesday Roundup

The Wednesday Roundup
And now onto the co-hostesses of this fabulous link up:

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 Deauna @ Honesty's Protegee
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 Christine @ Foody Schmoody
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 1. 10 Healthy Breakfast Recipes by Tone & Tighten
2. Sun Burst Mirror by Dreams Weaver
3. Butternut Squash & Spinach Lasagna by Lydia's Flexitarian Kitchen
4. Yoga Poses for Stress Relief by Chickadee Says

5. 5 Goal Setting Resources by Saving Sarah
7. 10 Healthy Recipes from 2013 by Tone & Tighten

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