Monday, January 6, 2014

#LetsMingle Monday Social Link Party

Happy Monday everybody!  I'm excited to get back to real life today.  Husband is back to work, after being on vacation for 2 weeks, kids are back to school and the snow is starting to melt (hopefully).    So I am excited to get back on track with my blogging schedule.  I am especially excited that the ladies who host #LetsMingle Monday have allowed me to be a guest host today!

If you're looking to expand your following, (who isn't?) this is the party for you.  You can link up your Facebook, Google+, Pinterest & Twitter handles.  That is a lot of social media exposure.  In turn, you of course, can find so many new blogs to follow.  This is a fun party. So have some fun and get social.

Here are the awesome co-hosts that make this party possible:

If you follow me please be sure to leave me a comment so I know to follow you back (plus, who doesn't love comments?).





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