Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Allergy Friendly Chocolate Chip Muffins & Tuesday Tastings Link Up

link party at bottom of post
allergy friendly choc chip muffins

My little allergy prone munchkin turns two this month, I can't believe it.  When she was a baby, her allergies were much easier to deal with, but as she gets older it is becoming quite challenging.  Her brother, Josh, gets to eat all kinds of yummy things, all of which contain either soy, egg or dairy.  I try to give Nora things that look like Josh's snacks but I can't always find a substitute.  I've struggled with questioning whether I should take away Josh's "regular" snacks but is that really fair to him? 

I don't know what the right thing to do is but I know I can only do what I can do.  Right? 

I have found a few things that have made my life easier.  One of my favorite companies for allergy friendly foods is Enjoy Life.  The most recent item I've tried is their "chocolate chips".  I will eventually get a cookie recipe together but since breakfast is my trickiest meal with her, I opted for muffins.  I am happy to report she LOVES them.  I have to admit, I ate one and I wouldn't have even know the difference.  She has eaten 2 every day since I made them.  So if you have a little one (or a big one) with allergies, I hope this recipe will give you a helping hand. 

I found the recipe on Amanda's Own Confections  

3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup dairy-free/soy free margarine (I use Earth's Balance)
3 Tablespoons water, 2 teaspoons baking powder & 3 Tablespoons vegetable oil or
canola oil, all mixed together
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 very ripe bananas, mashed
1 C Enjoy Life chocolate chips
2 cups flour
1/4 cup water

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Mix margarine and sugar until creamy in a medium bowl.  Add water, oil, baking powder
mixture to the sugar mixture and mix well.  Add in the vanilla extract, baking powder and salt.
Add the mashed banana, chocolate chips and water and mix well.  Slowly add the flour until all
of the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.  Line muffin tins with paper liners.  Scoop batter into
prepared muffin tins.  Fill approximately 1/2 to 3/4 full.  Bake 25 minutes or until toothpick
inserted into center comes out clean.  Remove muffins to wire racks to cool.
Yields about 14-18 muffins.

How do you cope with your kids allergies?
Do you have a favorite product?

It's that time of week again! 
Okay, Okay, I know I'm a day late but I swear I have a good reason.  I won't bore you with the details, just trust I'm telling the truth.

Check out last week's features:
1. Nestle Crunch Bar Brownie Cake by Krystal's Kitsch
2. Honey & Pear Bruschetta by Easy Life Meal & Planning
3. Pulled Pork Quesadilla w/ Broccoli Pineapple Slaw by Tumbleweed Contessa
As usual EVERYONE GETS PINNED.  After all, these parties are to gain exposure, right?  Another great reason to click through at least 1 other shared recipe and leave a comment.  We all love to hear comments so show some love to your fellow bloggers.
There is no theme this week, link up anything you've been working on.
Speaking of themes, I am so excited for next week.  I know, I'm getting way ahead of myself, but I'm just that excited.  I am teaming up with One TIPsy Chick and the theme is Ugly Duckling recipes.  You know, those recipes that come out so delicious but you just can't get them to look delicious.  The ones that you would just pass by based on looks alone.  Well, we've decided those ugly (but delicious) recipes deserve some attention and love too.  So make sure you dig up your ugly recipes and come back next week to share them.


  1. Thanks for hosting this link up party! I hope you have a great week!

  2. These dishes look delicious!!!!

  3. That sounds so hard to have to deal with those allergies with someone so young. I think it's amazing you're looking for ways to help her enjoy what she eats just as much as your other kid. :) These look delicious by the way!

  4. Aww, poor little thing and her allergies! These muffins look great, though! If I may ask, what makes the chocolate chips you purchased allergy friendly? Are they produced somewhere that doen't also deal with nuts? (Just guessing there--not sure what her allergies are). Either way, I'd certainly eat those muffins!
    Thank you so much for sharing them with the Daily Blog Boost today!
    ~ Brooke ~

    1. Brooke, her allergies are to milk, soy, peanut, tree nut, egg, chickpea and sesame. So you can imagine a find like these chips is amazing! The ingredients listed on the chips are: evaporated cane juice, natural chocolate liquor (non alcoholic) and non dairy cocoa butter. All of the Enjoy Life products are processed in dedicated peanut/tree nut facilities. They've really been a life saver. Thanks for coming by and thanks for asking about the muffins!

  5. I love muffins especially chocolate chip. I've pinned and shared.

    Stopped by from Daily Blog Boost.

  6. When the words "chocolate" and "chip" are in the same sentence you can add the words "Im In" to mine! YUMMY!

  7. Thank you so much for linking up with me @ Great Idea Thursday's!!! I'm so happy to have you, and I must say I'm super jealous of your fabulous pic with Chef Ramsey!!! Amazing!

    1. Thanks Krista. One of these days, I'll blog about my encounter w/ Gordon Ramsay. It was over a year ago and I still can't believe I had him in my house!

  8. Well, I am glad I didn't miss this party! I am so excited to be have our Honey & Pear Bruschetta featured. Thank you. And thank you for hosting and always being at our party. Greatly appreciated.

  9. This looks amazing! I'd love to have about 5 of these right now!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  10. What a great recipe! So many people are dealing with allergies. My grandson has a peanut allergy. I stopped by from The Four Seasons Blog Hop!

    1. Thanks Betty. Sorry to hear that your grandson has peanut allergies, it is so tough dealing with a child's allergies. Hopefully he'll be one of the lucky ones and outgrow it!

  11. These muffins look so good, thanks for sharing them at Talking Tuesday!
