Monday, December 30, 2013

The BEST of 2013

2013 is almost gone.  It's been quite a year. I would like to thank all of you who take the time to read and comment and share my recipes.  Hearing from you, that you have tried my recipes (and liked them) is really why I do this.  I am just looking to put smiles around a dinner table.  I never imagined that my little space in the blog world for recipes would grow as it has, so I thank you and I look forward to what 2014 will bring.

I thought it would be fun to re-visit those recipes that YOU all made so popular.  According to my research these are my top 8 most visited recipes of the year.  I was actually quite surprised at a few and not so surprised at some.  What were some of your favorite recipes of the year?  I mean other than mine, of course.

The Best Recipes of 2013 Foody Schmoody Style

I like to reflect back for two reasons.  One is to see if/how I have improved.  When I started this little accidental blog, I had no clue what I was doing.  The pictures were awful, the organization was lacking.  I would like to think my photography has come along a little bit, still not where I'd like it, but I'm improving.  Also, I'm getting into my groove with organizing, and I've learned a lot about blogging in general and hopefully it has shown.  The second reason, is I really like to see the trends of what you are looking at.  I, of course want to give you more of the kinds of recipes you are interested in.

So without further ado, here are your most visited recipes, in the spirit of New Year's I'll count down:

8. Not Your Kid's Grilled Cheese - This makes a quick weeknight dinner or a great weekend lunch.  Deli roast beef & 2 cheeses.  Grilled cheese is still one of my favorite things to eat, I've just adjusted them to fit a grown up diet.

7. Chicken Fried Rice - I have tried a lot of fried rice recipes and I had never really enjoyed them.  I have a special place in my heart for this recipe because I didn't have high hopes for it and it far surpassed any expectations I had for a fried rice recipe.  If you have yet to try a good at home fried rice, you should start here.

6. Mashed Potato Patties - These make a great side dish if you're sick of the same old mashed potato.  They are crunchy to the bite and soft and velvety in the middle. These could also be served as an appetizer.

5. Classic Beef Stew - I was a bit surprised to see this on the list.  I love beef stew but I always think  of beef stew as one of those things everyone has their own recipe for.  I was happy to see you were interested in this.  Maybe this will become your family stew recipe.

4. Cheesy Sausage & Pasta Bake (Freezer Meal) - This is perhaps the biggest surprise of all.  It almost didn't even make it on to the blog.  Not because it's not delicious, but this was sort of a last resort recipe for what I had on hand in the house.  It makes me smile to think you all liked it.  Just goes to show, I should put everything I cook on here because who am I to know what you want!

3. My BEST Banana Bread - No surprises here.  This is literally the BEST banana bread I have ever made, or eaten!  This is a true indulgence once you put the frosting on.  You could leave the frosting off I suppose if you don't want all those extra calories, but I recommend indulging!

2. Pork Tenderloin with Bacon & Brown Sugar Glaze - I am over the moon to see this on the list.  If you are a regular reader you will remember how irate I became when I watched Top Chef and they said Bacon is a passing food trend that should be over!  I disagree 100% and since this was #2 on the list, it seems you do to!  Let's hear it for the bacon!

And for the #1 most visited recipe this year by yours truly.....DRUM ROLL PLEASE......

1. Blueberry Brie Puffs - I knew it would be, I just knew it!  These are by far the best appetizer I have ever made!  To top it off they are ridiculously easy. Your guests will be easily impressed with these little bites of heaven.

So there you have it.  My most visited recipes of the year.  I would love to know if you cooked any of them.  If so what did you think?  The only way I can do better is with feedback so I'd love to hear it, positive or negative!

Stay tuned, in 2014 I am switching my blog to a new platform.  It will be a cleaner look and easier for you to navigate.  I am very excited and I hope you will enjoy it!  Until then...



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