Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chicken, Spinach and Parmesan Mac and Cheese Casserole

So the night before thanksgiving was here and I'm trying to prep as much as possible the night before.  Pies were in the freezer, veggies were getting chopped etc.  All of a sudden it's 7 PM and the husband says in a very cautious tone "soooo, what's for dinner tonight??".  Seriously?  I'm busting my ass to feed 15 people tomorrow while handling 3 kids and oh, I'm sorry, I didn't make you dinner!
That was my first reaction.  My second was, hmmm, I don't know but I am STARVING.  With all the hectic activity, I guess I had forgotten to eat lunch or dinner.  I looked in my cabinet, we have a Kraft Homestyle mac and cheese but I know that won't satisfy the carnivore I call my husband.  All veggies in fridge are for thanksgiving, except spinach.  And I always have a package of Perdue shortcut chicken.... TADA. Dinner!


1 package Kraft Homestyle Mac and Cheese (Parmesan cheese flavor)
1 package Perdue Shortcut Chicken
Fresh spinach (really as much or as little as you like, I used about a cup of fresh)
 (you could also use frozen, just cook it and drain it well)
1/4 C shredded mozzarella Cheese


Preheat oven to 425.

Prepare mac and cheese as instructed on package (stop before mixing in parmesan cheese).  While still over low heat, add your spinach and stir until blended in well.  Pour into casserole pan (baking dish).  Stir in the chicken.  Top with the parmesan cheese packet that came with the mac and cheese.  Top with the mozzarella cheese.

Cook in oven for 5-10 minutes.  Until cheese is melted.  Enjoy.

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