Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday Tastings #12

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I am preparing this blog post well in advance (today is actually Wed the 25th).  I don't know at this point, if I will be able to use my hand by  Tuesday, but I didn't want to cancel the party.  Hopefully, I have had a successful joint replacement and I'm on the mend.  If that's the case, then I will be posting soon.

In the meantime: Because I am probably unable to use the computer, unfortunately, I am unable to show off the features this week. BUT no fear, I will showcase double the amount next week. Sorry about that.  You will still all be pinned to Tuesday Tastings Pinterest Board it just might take me a week or two.

Don't hold it against me and link up!

Please don't link and run.  Click through at LEAST one other link.  After all the point is to help each other out, right?


  1. Thanks for making sure this happened in spite of your surgery. I hope everything went well and we will be hearing from you soon.

  2. Hi Christine! This is Debi, stopping by from That Crafty Lunch Lady. I am sooo jealous of your picture with Gordon Ramsay - you actually got to touch him (and cook for him...)!! LOL Thanks so much for hosting this party despite your surgery. Hope you recover soon.

  3. That's no fun about your hand :( Hope you're feeling ok! Thanks for adding your party button to our Link Parties Page so we could stop by and party with you!


    {As always, you and your blogger friends are always welcome to link up with us every Fri-Sun @ The Weekend re-Treat Link Party on The Best Blog Recipes! All family friendly blog posts are welcome!}

  4. I also tweeted about your party :)


  5. Found you on Daily Blog Boost. Thanks for posting. As a new blogger I'm always looking for more parties

  6. Stopping by from the Daily Blog Boost to say Hey! Looks like a fun party. Will definitely be linking up. Thanks for sharing. <3 Kim
