Monday, July 15, 2013

Tuesday Tastings #3

Well it's the beginning of the week and that means it's time for another TUESDAY TASTINGS!  So I am finally getting the hang of all this stuff and think I have worked out all the kinks (hear me patting myself on the back?).

We had some great recipes linked up this week, and the most clicked through recipe AGAIN goes to  SJ'S FOOD COURT for their Soy Glazed Renkon Chips, unfortunately I can't use the image, so be sure to click through the above link.

Another great one this week was a refreshing drink by Bebetsy. If you like beer (yes I do) and you like lemonade (just so happens I like that too) then you've got to check out A Fresh Twist on Lemonade.

As per usual you can also see the recipes on Tuesday Tastings! Pinterest Page.

Okay so that was last week, on to the new week.  This week here on the east coast, we are in the beginning of a predicted heat wave, already in the 90s before 11 AM.  I wonder how creative I can get this week with no oven meals.  We will see.  What do you all cook when the weather is too hot?  Okay, I'm drifting away from the topic again.  Let's get on to the party before I keep rambling.
One quick note, if you post a picture, you are giving me permission to repost it in a feature etc. 
 Also, be sure to click through and view at least one other link and leave a comment, it's only nice.


  1. Thank you so much for featuring our Fresh Twist on Lemonade!! Appreciate that so much. We will be over tomorrow to partay! All the best ~ Sharon and Denise
    BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT Link and Hop

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  2. WE will be back to pick up your button too! :)

  3. I hope I did this right -- I submitted a recipe for my Farm Stand Veggie Recipes including Roasted Beet Salad and a Chinese Five Spice Zucchini Bread.

    1. I'm always looking for something new to make w/ all the zucchini from my garden. Thanks for sharing. I hope you will come back each Tuesday!

  4. Thanks for the party and congrats to you for mastering another bloggy thing! Best wishes for tasty dishes this week.

    1. mmmm Ice Cream! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I hope you will be a Tuesday Tastings regular!
