Thursday, July 25, 2013

Asian Pork Noodles

Yes, I know, Asian food, again!  As you remember it was just a few weeks ago I was talking about how much I love Take Out  Chinese and Thai etc. but I was so scared to cook it.  Well since then, you may have noticed I've been on a rampage with Asian cuisine.  My family certain has noticed. 

Here's what I decided has always made me nervous and how I got over it.

1. The amount of ingredients needed (sounded expensive) - I looked at a lot of recipes that interested me and saw the common ingredients used and bought items 1 or 2 a week so it didn't make a huge dent in the grocery bill.  Most of these sauces, oils and spices only need a small amount so you will be using them over and over again.
2. Yucky tasting canned items in grocery store - Who knew, I could just use fresh.  I always used canned bean sprouts and who knew, it's cheaper to buy fresh and now the thought of using the canned makes my stomach turn, who knew these fresh items were so delicious.
3. Chinese noodles are so finicky, I'm afraid I'll make them mushy - Totally false belief.  The noodles I have used thus far are much like a thin spaghetti, the only difference is to rinse them under cold water immediately after draining. Easy!

Okay so on to the Asian Pork Noodle.  The original recipe can be found here.  I used it as a guide and tweaked it to my liking. I also changed up the name because this is not what I picture when I think of sweet and sour pork but that's probably because like most Americans I am not familiar with authentic Asian food.


Asian Pork Noodle

1 package (10-12 oz) Asian pasta
12 oz pork, sliced into thin strips
2 T oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
6 oz fresh bean sprouts
6 oz fresh green beans, chopped or snow peas
1 T oyster sauce
salt to taste

Marinade Ingredients:
1 T soy sauce
1/2 tsp sesame oil
5 dashes white pepper
2 tsp garlic chili sauce
1 T sugar
2 tsp vinegar


Prepare noodles according to package, be sure to rinse under cold water after draining.  Set aside.
While pasta is cooking, prepare the marinade and add pork, let marinate 15 min.
Heat the oil in a wok or high sided skillet. Add the garlic and cook just until fragrant. Add pork, stirring often until just about cooked through.  Add the beans or peas, give a few stirs, add the bean sprouts and noodles.  Add the oyster sauce.  Stir and toss to coat everything evenly. Cook 1-2 minutes more. Add a touch of salt and serve.


  1. Sounds delicious! We love Asian food around here!

  2. Thank you Laura! If you are interested in some of my other easy Asian dishes (those are the only ones I make) click on the tag for Asian Inspired in the tag cloud to the right.

  3. Nice to find your blog and love the title. :) I'm here from Julie's Network party. I'm a new subscriber and hope you'll take a look at my blog Cooking On The Ranch. I'm in Colorado and focus on Western flare fare. And yes, I think those darn noodles can be finicky. Thanks for the tip about the cold water bath.

    1. Nice to meet you Lea Ann. Glad the tips were helpful. I will certainly be by to check out Cooking On The Ranch! Thanks for the follow, I'll be sure to do the same! Happy Cooking! :-)
