Monday, April 29, 2013

The Best Veggie Cream Cheese, Seriously The Best

Okay so before you judge me for my burned bagel, just know that because I couldn't wait to eat up this yummy cream cheese spread, I could not wait another 3 minutes to cook another bagel properly.  Yes that is right, this cream cheese is good enough to salvage even the burnt of the burnt bagels.

After a few days of eating bagels with this yummy veggie cream cheese, I started spreading it on crackers and using it in place of a veggie dip to dip in celery and carrots. 

The only down side to this recipe is that it means I'll be consuming A LOT more cream cheese, so I guess my next step will be to see how it does in a low fat version!


2 small carrots or 1 large, peeled and cut into thirds
1/2 large red onion, halved
1 stalk celery, cut into thirds
6-7 broccoli florets
8 oz block cream cheese
Optional:  fresh black pepper


Pulse all veggies in food processor and set veggies aside.
Add cream cheese to food processor and mix until smooth.
Add veggies back in and pulse together until incorporated (add black pepper if desired)
Eat the most delicious thing ever!

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