Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Wednesday Roundup #5

Welcome, once again to The Wednesday Roundup.  I usually try to post a great recipe or tip before the party, but I was such a busy little bee today, I don't have time to pull it together for you.  I spent the morning at a tasting at Au Bon Pain and I can't wait to tell you all about the new holiday menu offerings and what my favorites were. But that is for another day, for today, let's just Party!

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 Deauna @ Honesty's Protegee
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 Christine @ Foody Schmoody
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Look at these super cute buttons!  I think they'd look perfect on your blog!  Make sure to grab one, especially if you are featured below.  You know you want to brag about it and you should!
The Wednesday Roundup

The Wednesday Roundup

1. DIY Canvas Art w/Sharpie by This Silly Girl's Life
2. DIY Sugar Scrub by Detours in Life
3. The Best & Worst Hostess Gifts by Thank You Honey
5. American Snowman Cookies by Just Not The Cakes
6. Homemade York Peppermint Patties by A Dash of Sanity
7. Rudolph The Thrifty Reindeer by View From the Fridge

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