Friday, November 16, 2012

Buttered Potatoes

As I have mentioned before, my family (excluding me) would eat mashed potatoes every night if I would allow it.  I do always try to include a starch, potato, rice, etc.  But to me, mashed potatoes only carry so far.  I love baked and roasted potatoes but the family isn't crazy about them.  So I tried this buttered potato dish and it was a hit.  It really seems like a good compromise between mashed and roasted. And they couldn't be easier!

place cut side down in melted butter after being boiled
Season with salt, pepper and fresh parsley if desired



8-10 new potatoes halved OR 2-3 large potatoes, cut in half and then each half quartered
2 T butter (not margarine, real honest to goodness, delicious butter)
fresh parsley for garnish (optional)

1.  Put cut potatoes in pot and cover with water.  Bring to boil and then lower heat to medium.  Cook until just barely fork tender.
2.  Drain potatoes.
3.  While potatoes are draining, add butter to large skillet.  Once butter has melted add potatoes with cut side down.
4.  Leave them alone!  Do not immediately start stirring them.  Let them cook until golden brown.  If potatoes have been quartered then turn potato to brown other cut side. 
5.  Season with salt, pepper and parsley.

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