Monday, June 10, 2013

Coconut Oil Chocolate Chip Cookies


So I think I may be the last person on the planet to find out how awesome coconut oil is.  There are like a million uses for the stuff and replacing butter is just one of them!  That's right, that means chocolate chip cookies with NO BUTTER.  I never thought it would work.  No way can they be yummy like my good old fashioned toll house cookie recipe.  Well, I don't say it often but I stand corrected!  These are even more delicious than the old way! 

My kids are not fans of coconut so I did not add actual coconut just used the oil and you can barely taste it.  It gives it just enough of a flavor to say to yourself "hmmm, what is that, it's good" but the kids don't realize it's something they don't like. Win/Win as far as I am concerned.

Lastly, this is NOT my recipe.  I wish I could take credit, but I can't.  I found the original recipe at

The only things I did differently than the recipe is that I used an ungreased non stick cookie sheet for cooking, I did not add coconut and I splashed a little extra vanilla, because I love it.


1/2 cup coconut oil

1 cup + 1 TBS brown sugar, packed

2 eggs {at room temperature}

1 TBS. pure vanilla extract

1 3/4 cup all purpose flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. baking soda

12 oz. semisweet chocolate chips 
1.5-2 cups shredded coconut {optional- still amazing without it!}

1.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  Spray a cookie sheet, or line with a silpat.  

2.  In a mixing bowl, use a mixer to beat the coconut oil and brown sugar.  Add in the eggs and beat until fluffy.  Add in the vanilla extract. 

3.  In another bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, salt and baking powder with whisk.  Mix the flour mixture into the coconut oil mixture a little bit at a time with a wooden spoon until all the flour is incorporated.  Add in the chocolate chips + coconut and mix well.  

4.  Drop by small rounded spoons onto prepared baking sheets.Bake for about 8 - 9 minutes or until slightly browned around the edges. They will be really soft and chewy, with a slightly crispy edge.! Let them rest on the cookie sheet for a few minutes before removing to rack to cool completely.  ENJOY!



  1. yay! so glad you made these and liked them! you have a great blog, can't wait to read more! XO
    the well-traveled wife

  2. Oh, I've been wanting another recipe to use wiht my coconut oil! :) I have to make these! Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers! Please be sure to stop back by the party and check out some of the other links!

    1. I've just posted my Tasty Tuesdays link party on my blog & wanted to tell you that this recipe has been featured! You can find the feature here: Don’t forget to grab our features button and link up again!

  3. Hi there, I've just come across your site on Tasty Tuesdays and am always excited to see Coconut Oil recipes. Now have yours bookmarked, your cookies look totally YUMTASTIC!

    1. Thanks so much. I am new to coconut oil but now that I've discovered it I hope to experiment! Stay tuned...

  4. Ohhh these look delicious! I am definitely doing to try these because I love using coconut oil! Thanks for sharing with Random Recipe Roundup! :-D Zannie @ mymixingspoon

  5. Oh, I love coconut oil but I never thought of using it to replace butter in my cooking. I usually use applesauce, I'll definitely have to try the coconut oil though!

  6. Looks so yummy visiting from DBB Theresa @DearCreatives Pinned to my baking board
