Monday, June 17, 2013

Blue Sriracha Burger

Summer is finally here and to my family that means dinner is mostly on the grill.  What says summer better than a nice juicy burger?!  Burgers make the dinner rotation at least once a week during the summer months.  The problem is, while my kids and husband are fine eating the same old burger week after week, I just need a little something different.  My new found love of sriracha sauce is the answer.

Start off with your favorite burger recipe or use mine below and top with this lovely sauce and you will be in for such a surprise.  A little kick but the blue cheese balances it out perfectly.  I served extra sauce on the side and we dipped our sweet potato fries in it and it was to die for!

Last tip, when preparing homemade burgers, I buy the beef in bulk and make large quantities and freeze them, wrapped individually and placed in large Ziploc bags.  When it's time to cook just pop them on the grill straight from the freezer.  Much better than store bought patties and cheaper too if you do the math!

Recipe yields approximately 6 burgers depending on how big you make them.  We tend to go big!


2-3 lb of ground beef
5 T McCormick Hamburger Seasoning (or mix up salt, pepper, crushed chili pepper, dehydrated onion, dehydrated garlic and sugar)
6 Hamburger buns
6 slices of cheese of choice (white cheddar, Monterey jack works well or good old American)
2 T butter (softened) (optional)
6 slices bacon, cooked (optional but recommended) and cut in half.
1/2 C blue cheese dressing
6 T sriracha sauce


Mix beef and seasonings.  Form into patties.

Cook burgers on grill until done to your liking.  I like to go medium so it takes approximately 10 minutes, turning once and top with cheese slice.

Meanwhile, spread a bit of butter on each bun and toss on the grill over indirect heat to avoid scorching.  Leave on there about 3 minutes, just until warmed and beautiful grill marks are achieved.

In a small bowl combine blue cheese dressing and sriracha.

Top the bottom of each bun with 2 halves of bacon, top with cheeseburger.  Top the burger with sriracha sauce, I use about 1 T for each burger.  Adjust to your liking.  Pairs wonderfully with sweet potato fries.

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